Useful Information
International Seminar will be held in the premises of the State Historical Museum, which is located by the following address:
1, Red Square, 109012, Moscow
Transport: Underground stations Okhotny Ryad, Ploschad Relovutsii, Teatralnaya
Scheme of Location
Museum’s Rooms Arrangement
Ground Floor
1. Voskresenskiye Gate Passage. Main Entrance
2-4. Low Entrance-Hall
5. Lecture Hall
6. Intranet Hall (Internet Access)
7. Polovtsian Court
Lift for Disabled
First Floor
8. Festival Inner Port
9. Hall #18
10-12. Exhibition «Gold. The Metal of Gods and the God of Metals»
Lowest Floor
13-14. Toilets
15-16. Cloak-rooms
Lift for Disabled